Monday, May 13, 2013

SMART COMPANY AWARD to Mayberry Pharmacy

Paul Mayberry runs seven pharmacies in South Wales and is a smart guy!

A recent innovation in Wales is for all doctors' prescriptions to include a QR code (the black and white square box that looks a bit like a bar code and can be read by smart phones) which has within it the specific prescription.

How did Paul react to this?

He bought a robot dispenser with QR code reader, and now has the prescriptions from all seven pharmacies sent to it, it dispenses automatically 24 hours a day 7 days a week and sends the drugs etc to the relevant pharmacy to pass to the patient.

The result? - already Paul has seen both stock levels and costs go down dramatically!

This is a really smart company, with an ability to be fleet of foot to adopt new technology in a way I believe we all need to be these days.

I am very pleased to give Mayberry Pharmacies a SMART COMPANY AWARD.

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